Things to Include in a Scrapbook


Scrapbook: 49 Inspiring & Interesting Things I've Found Online Lately…


It's important for me as a creative to make sure I'm consuming good quality creations… not just a mindless scroll of blabbering.

Here's my scrapbook of all the things that have fed my eyes, heart, brain & soul over the last month. I usually collect all the things that inspire me in my art journal… consider this my digital version!

Filled with things I've read, things I've beauty, things I've watched…

Get yourself a big ole cup of tea… this is a long one!

Also… special request! If you like these scrapbooks & want to see more, please do email in to let me know!

This colourful home tour.

I want to try making these tiny comic zines.

Squee! Unapologetic maximalism!

Peek inside an artist's sketchbook.

These photos & words.

The magic of personal work.

Susan Branch. True love for everrrrrrrr.

From Julie Balzer.

Visual ideas for bullet journal habit trackers.

  • Fascinating! What it's like to rent your home for movies!
  • Loved Penelope's life simplification plan!
  • A woman shares her harrowing experience with hyperemesis gravidarum. As a fellow HG sufferer, I feel so grateful to read other people's journeys with it.
  • Get lost on the web.

"Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can't get there by bus, only by hard work and risk and by not quite knowing what you are doing. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover will be yourself."
– Alan Alda

  • The difference between support & toxic positivity.
  • Rewinding your attention.
  • Smart storage for small spaces.
  • The global emoji trend report. Ha!
  • The crane that fell in love with her human keeper. I am still giggling.
  • What a black person thinks when they read this blog.
  • As much as I see the value in A/B split testing, I definitely fall in the A/A style of testing. HO HO HO!
  • This made me tear up: Finding out my dad wasn't my dad after he died.
  • Quotes via Swiss Miss:

"To listen is to lean in, softly, with a willingness to be changed by what we hear."
– Mark Nepo

"We are born with only one obligation – to be completely who we are."
– Mark Nepo

  • Facebook knows Instagram is toxic for teen girls.
  • My assistant talks about managing her burnout.
  • What Facebook knew all along.
  • My assistant let me know about this one: The name Marijuana is a problematic term rooted in a racist history. Cannabis is better.
  • The psychology of pandemics.
  • Things learned blogging:

Write for you, not for others. And if you can't think of what to "write", document something for yourself and call it writing.

If there's one thing I've learned about the mystery of blogging, it's that the stuff you think nobody will read ends up with way more reach than anything you write thinking it will be popular.

So write about what you want, not what you think others want, and the words will spill out.

Then find a way to keep them spilling out, day after day after day.

  • This podcast episode on mini habits was really interesting.
  • So inspiring: Canva founder & one of Australia's richest women has pledged to give away her fortune.
  • If you want to know the traditional owners of the land where you live, this website is a very handy resource. It's not complete for the whole world map, but maps out Australia & the US in great detail.
  • The complicated & many reasons the world is experiencing supply chain issues.
  • Miss Mustard Seed gives great creative advice:

As a word of encouragement to leave you with – if you find yourself feeling stuck or uninspired, trying something new, an art or discipline you're curious about, might just be the spark you need. Those periods of creative stuckness are a great time to take classes, read books, and be a beginner at something again. The time is then not wasted, but filled with things that will fill you up and further your growth.

  • Why rain makes us calm.
  • Clothespin currency: why some of us can do more than others.
  • Entering the acceptance phase of the pandemic.
  • Time management is a core spiritual practice.
  • New research shows Facebook has a profound impact on mental health.
  • Dear White Parents.

Favourite TV shows I've watched:

  • Interior Design Masters: British interior design reality show competition. I loved that it wasn't a festival of beige… it included colourful & eclectic designs.
  • Taskmaster. British comedians do ridiculous tasks. The GREATEST.
  • Expecting Amy. 3 part documentary of Amy Schumer experiencing pregnancy and hyperemesis gravidarum while still continuing to create & perform.

Finally, a quote from the late Norm McDonald:

"I'm so happy to be alive every day, because it's just a fluke. There are many more people who never got to be alive. It's the greatest gig in the world, being alive. You get to eat at Denny's, wear a hat, whatever you wanna do."

Righto, this has been an absolute JOY.

And to think… when I was wasting my life scrolling social media, I wasn't remembering ANYTHING important, useful, good or beautiful. I was just reading mindless, forgettable trash. Quitting social media & starting to mindfully consume brilliant creations again? Life changing. Brain healing. Wildly joyful.

Here's to all the creators!

And special reminder: If you like these scrapbooks & want to see more, please do email in to let me know! That way I know to collect & curate more for you!

Big love,

Hi Blossom!

I'm Leonie Dawson (She/They)

International best-selling author with 400,000 books in use and an award-winning entrepreneur. I've created $11 million in revenue while only working 10 hours a week & am proudly neurodivergent (ASD).

Don't miss out on a single glorious thing!

Let me send you love letters + thoughtful things. Social media sucks. Love letters in your email rule.

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Things to Include in a Scrapbook


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