Origami Owl Promo Code May 2019

August New Designer Spotlight: These Designers are Promoting Up + Achieving Milestones

August New Designer Spotlight: These Designers are Promoting Up + Achieving Milestones

by | Sep 15, 2021 | O2 News, Promotions, Recognition

Imagine generating over 1,000 PV in your first month as an Origami Owl® Designer.

We love celebrating new O2 family members, and we have two New Designers who just achieved that OWL-mazing milestone!

Keep reading to celebrate the successes of all our New Designers who promoted to new recognition levels and achieved big things in their first six months with Origami Owl.

Meet Melissa Emschweiler, Designer

Melissa achieved 1,386 PV in her first month as a Designer!

From: York, Pennsylvania

Team Name: "I do not have a team name, but I like to call myself ladyandthefrenchie for my social media handles. It stems from my love for ©Disney and French Bulldogs. It's a combination of (Disney's) Lady and the Tramp and a nickname for French Bulldogs."

Started O2 Journey: August 4, 2021

So, how did she generate over 1,000 PV in her first month as a Designer?

"I got started right away," shares Melissa. "I made the decision instantly to become a Designer when I saw that there was a Disney Princess Collection being released. I LOVE Disney and everything that it stands for. I started sharing the products with my friends and family online right away. I have already developed a social media presence around Disney and have many friends across the country who I meet up with in the parks a couple of times a year. Sometimes, it's just for a fun girls' getaway, but mostly it's for runDisney weekends. This gave me a good Customer base to begin with."

Tips for New Designers

  1. Go Live. "I go live every morning in my VIP Facebook group before I leave for work to showcase the products I am wearing that day. I am a teacher and that is something easy for me to do even when I'm busy. I'm actually more productive when I'm on a busy, structured schedule."
  2. Use Facebook Stories. "I started posting a Facebook story every day since I became a Designer. I never was one to use stories on a regular basis before, but I loved watching other people do it. I noticed when I started posting only about the jewelry that I didn't get a lot of views on my stories. I could see that people would look at the first thing I posted, but then skip the rest of my story. Now, I post about my life more in my stories and every now and then post the jewelry in it. I want people to know that I'm not a pushy salesperson, but instead someone fun."
  3. Don't be Fearful. "You don't have to be the sales type to do this. Smile and have fun. Talk to people about the product when they compliment your jewelry, but don't talk too much. Listen to others and make them feel important. People will love to be around you when you're caring and compassionate. I hope that when my Customers wear the jewelry they got from me that it will remind them of how I made them feel in the moment when they purchased it from me. Just like the Disney Princess Bangles say, 'Dare to Dream and Have Kindness, Courage and Strength.'"

Meet Arleth Loya, Designer

Arleth achieved 1,025 PV in her first month as a Designer!

From: Sunland Park, New Mexico

Team Name: Dream Team

Started O2 Journey: August 6, 2021

So, how did she generate over 1,000 PV in her first month as a Designer?

"I thought of friends and family who would wear jewelry, and I reached out to them individually," shares Arleth. "I didn't add them all to a group because I feel like people in groups often feel embarrassed to engage with you. When you reach out privately to them, they are more comfortable to ask questions."

Tips for New Designers

  1. "Wear the jewelry! This jewelry is very beautiful; it sells itself and more because it's so customizable and can have a really special meaning for everyone."
  2. "Set your sales goal and have a positive attitude."
  3. "Reach out to EVERYONE on your contact list."

More New Designer Results

We're thrilled to shine the spotlight on New Designers who have kick-started their Origami Owl businesses immediately in their first six months*!

From top in personal sales, top in personal sponsoring and climbing up the Career Plan, these New Designers are working hard and thriving right from the start!

*To be considered a New Designer, it must be the first six months since the Designer started their Origami Owl business.

So, here whooo's at the top:

Top 10 in Personal Sales

  1. Nicole Ramos, Executive Team Leader
  2. Elizabeth & Lily Montes, Senior Designer
  3. Michelle Glynn, Designer
  4. Alexis Danley, Designer
  5. Monica Mendoza, Senior Designer
  6. Abbra Bouknight, Designer
  7. Noemi Kleine, Team Leader
  8. Karen Johnson, Senior Designer
  9. Alicia Baca, Designer
  10. Lisa Lambert, Designer

Top 10 in Personal Sponsoring (in ABC order)

  1. Jessica Lynn Bradley, Senior Team Manager
  2. Wendy K Emerson, Designer
  3. Susan Eves, Senior Team Leader
  4. Melissa Fargnoli, Executive Team Leader
  5. Ashley Key, Senior Team Leader
  6. Ada Kinslow, Senior Team Leader
  7. Tanya Macchi, Team Leader
  8. Teresa Markray, Senior Team Leader
  9. Devina Ortega, Executive Team Leader
  10. Kimberly Valentin, Senior Designer


Senior Designers

Alma Aguero

Mary Baut

Melissa, Claire & Ava Britt

Amanda Burt

Christina Bzoski & Shiela Spurlock

Linda Jean Carroll

Edica Casanova

kaitlin Cohen

Blanca Corrales

Linda Cota

Sara Deines

Becky Demmel

Avonlea DeVincentis

Regina Duran & Luna Isabella Perea

Christina Fischer

Claudia & Carla Masiela Gomez

Barbara Gordon

Dawn M Gudat

Tessa Hartert

Tammy Haugabrook

Alana Hellyer

Tanya Hopkins

Susan Jarrett

Karen Johnson

Chairdie Lawyer Julieanne Kubala

Jen Lepard

Helen Loven Swenor

Mollie Makay

Monica Mendoza

Agustina Molina

Elizabeth & Lily Montes

Emerald Moore

Gabriela Mora

Jessica Morales

Johana Munoz

MaryAnn Niemi

Deb ODonoghue

Tara Parr

Elizabeth Shelton

Laurel Sterling

Della Valerie Toral

Kimberly Valentin

Kayla Younger

Executive Designers

Anneke Lee Beaulieu

Keana Burciaga

Kandle Davies

Daniel & Naomi Kruse

Javier Rios

Team Leaders

Maria & Matilda Gonzalez

Madeleine Johnston

Noemi Kleine

Tanya Macchi

Jamie Thomas

Anna Treuting & Victoria Smith

Judy Westen

Angie White

Crystal White

Senior Team Leaders

Susan Eves

Stephanie Gibbs & Haylee Doyle

Ashley Key

Ada Kinslow

Teresa Markray

Michelle Nguyen

Rebecca Ortega

Executive Team Leaders

Melissa & Gabriel Fargnoli

Devina Ortega

Nicole Ramos

Senior Team Managers

Jessica Lynn Bradley & Eliza-Jean Alice Wells

***Promotions in their first six months as a Designer.

Special Virtual Convention Recognition Edition

Special Virtual Convention Recognition Edition

by Stacey Harmon | Aug 16, 2021 | O2 News, Promotions, Recognition

July was a very special month for Origami Owl® and our Designers – we held our Origami Owl Virtual Convention Recognition Event where we celebrated what you achieved with your Origami Owl business between June 2020 to May 2021.

In addition to recognizing YOU for all your incredible achievements in July, this month's edition of the Hoot also features our OWL-mazing Designers who were recognized during our convention recognition event.

Watch the latest edition of Live Recognition with Origami Owl Co-Founders Shawn Maxwell and Tyson Basha here:

Whooo Promoted Up in July

Check out the Designers who promoted up to a new, {sparkly} title in July.

July Top Achievers + Rank Advancers

Top 10 in Personal Sales

  1.  Kasandra Tucci, Executive Team Leader
  2. Sandi-Rose Smith, Director
  3. Shelley Licknack, Team Manager
  4. Cailin Bundrick, Director
  5. Lynsey McCurdy, Executive Team Leader
  6. Nicole Ramos, Senior Team Leader
  7. Claudia Morales, Team Leader
  8. Claudia & Ingrid Chavez, Director
  9. Samantha Jardine, Senior Team Leader
  10. Aimee Johnson, Senior Director

Top 3 in Personal Sponsoring*

  1. Susan Eves, Senior Team Leader
  2. Shelley Licknack, Team Manager
  3. Aimee Johnson, Senior Director

Top in Developing Team Leaders

  1. Tatiana Quattrone Lessa, Director
  2. Vivien Ariola, Executive Designer

*Please note, these Personally Sponsored Designers were Active and earned at least 75 PV or more in July. Annies are not counted toward this number. An Annie is an Independent Designer who enrolls without a Sponsor or Mentor.

July New Designer Spotlight: These Designers are Promoting Up + Achieving Milestones

July New Designer Spotlight: These Designers are Promoting Up + Achieving Milestones

by Stacey Harmon | Aug 16, 2021 | O2 News, Promotions, Recognition

Imagine generating over 900 PV and promoting up in your second month as an Origami Owl® Designer.

We love celebrating new O2 family members, and we have a New Designer who just achieved those OWL-mazing milestones!

Keep reading to celebrate the successes of all our New Designers who promoted to new recognition levels and achieved big things in their first six months with Origami Owl.

Meet Susan Eves, Senior Team Leader

Not only did Susan generate 945 PV in July, but she also sponsored five (5) New Designers and promoted to Senior Team Leader – all in her second month as a Designer!

From: West Palm Beach, Florida (rural area known as "The Acreage.")

Team Name: No team name yet, but working on one for the Think Goodness launch!

Started O2 Journey: June 9, 2021

So, how did she generate over 900 PV, sponsor five New Designers and promote to Senior Team Leader in her second month as a Designer?

"I was able to earn over 900 PV by sharing my new-found love of Origami Owl, my online shop and my VIP Facebook group (Eves Owl VIPs) with family and friends," shares Susan. "I met new people through others I know, and one of those people was interested in holding a fundraiser Jewelry Bar®. I'd never help a fundraiser before, so I wasn't sure how it would go. I am pleased to say it went well and the Hostess was pleased with the donation to the recipient. I also made a few purchases for my inventory, and of course, for myself! I grew my team simply by being so excited about Origami Owl! It didn't take long for my two daughters, a long-time friend, a friend of my daughter (the fundraiser Hostess), and a complete stranger, who found me via 'Find a Designer' on the Origami Owl website, to join!"

Tips for New Designers

  1. " I continue to share my love for Origami Owl, the products and the opportunities offered on a regular and daily basis with family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances. I'm looking forward to sharing the upcoming launch of Think Goodness, the products, the benefits and the opportunities with others."
  2. " Believe in yourself and the company. Learn all you can. Use the tools provided. Read and watch videos. Communicate with your upline and those you sponsor."
  3. " Enjoy what you do! I proudly wear my Origami Owl Lockets and jewelry every day! I'm my own best advertisement! I always carry Take Out Menus with me, as you never know who you're going to meet. Everyone is a potential Hostess, Designer, (Purpose Partner) and a friend. Yes, friend. The friends you make who share your same passion are incredible!"

More New Designer Results

We're thrilled to shine the spotlight on New Designers who have kick-started their Origami Owl businesses immediately in their first six months*!

From top in personal sales, top in personal sponsoring and climbing up the Career Plan, these New Designers are working hard and thriving right from the start!

*To be considered a New Designer, it must be the first six months since the Designer started their Origami Owl business.

So, here whooo's at the top:

Top 10 in Personal Sales

  1. Erica, Timothy Jr, Hayle & Lydia-Kay Griffin, & Cherish, Trinity & Jade Collins
  2. Nicole Ramos, Senior Team Leader
  3. Elizabeth & Lily Montes, Senior Designer
  4. Michelle Glynn, Designer
  5. Alexis Danley, Designer
  6. Sherrie Doss, Designer
  7. Monica Mendoza, Senior Designer
  8. Nichole Kraskowsky, Senior Team Leader
  9. Abbra Bouknight, Designer
  10. Karen Johnson, Senior Designer

Top 10 in Personal Sponsoring (in ABC order)

  1. Gabriela Camarotti, Team Leader
  2. Susan Eves, Senior Team Leader
  3. Nichole Kraskowsky, Senior Team Leader
  4. Tanya Macchi, Team Leader
  5. Teresa Markray, Senior Team Leader
  6. Michelle Nguyen, Senior Team Leader
  7. Devina Ortega, Executive Team Leader
  8. Rebecca Ortega, Senior Team Leader
  9. Nicole Ramos, Senior Team Leader
  10. Angie White, Team Leader


Senior Designers

Tanya Alves

Andrea Anderson

Mary Baut

Misty Bottaro

Melissa, Ava & Claire Britt

Amanda Burt

Christina Bzoski & Sheila Spurlock

Edica Casanova

Kaitlin Cohen

Blanca Corrales

Linda Cota

Lauren Creech

Sara Deines

Becky Demmel

Erica, Timothy Jr, Hayle & Lydia-Kay Griffin, & Cherish, Trinity & Jade Collins

Tessa Hartert

Tammy Haugabrook

Alana Hellyer

Tanya Hopkins

Chairdie Lawyer & Julieanne Kubala

Mollie Makay

Agustina Molina

Elizabeth & Lily Montes

Gabriela Mora

Jessica Morales

Johana Munoz

Michelle Nguyen

MaryAnn Niemi

Deb ODonoghue

Della Valerie Toral

Kayla Younger

Executive Designers

Keana Burciaga

Javier Rios

Team Leaders

Gabriela Camarotti

Susan Eves

Madeleine Johnston

Tanya Macchi

Anna Treuting & Victoria Smith

Judy Westen

Angie White

Senior Team Leaders

Nichole Kraskowsky

Teresa Markray

Rebecca Ortega

Nicole Ramos

Executive Team Leaders

Devina Ortega

***Promotions in their first six months as a Designer.

Congratulations, 2020-2021 Top Achievers, Rank Advancements + Consistency Earners!

Congratulations, 2020-2021 Top Achievers, Rank Advancements + Consistency Earners!

by Stacey Harmon | Aug 16, 2021 | O2 News, Promotions, Recognition

WOW! What an incredible time we had celebrating your OWL-mazing achievements during our Origami Owl Virtual Recognition Event on July 23!

This was all about what you achieved with your Origami Owl businesses between June 2020 and May 2021, and we're thrilled to share the recap with you!

As a reminder, if you were recognized in ANY way during this recognition event, you're invited to an exclusive reception in-person at our Think Goodness Launch Event, September 10-11, 2021. More details and invitations to come via email soon!

Miss the Origami Owl Virtual Recognition Event or want to relive it? You can watch a replay here: https://youtu.be/6vnAL-Yr5wE

In addition to O2 Culture Award and Young Entrepreneur Education Award recipients, we recognized many Designers for advancing in rank, achieving consistent Personal Volume (PV) for 12 consecutive months and being one of the top 10 in personal sales and personal sponsoring.

Congratulations to all the Designers below for their incredible achievements!

Top 10 Overall in Personal Sales

  1. Melissa Flax Maher, Mackenzie + Madison Maher, Director
    62,814 PV

"I feel extremely humbled, most appreciative of my Customers and Hostesses who supported me as I learned to pivot through the growing changes with the pandemic," shares Melissa. "I learned that the best way to do anything these days is to 'do it scared!'" Everything these days is about relationships and showing gratitude. I strive daily to show my VIPs how much I appreciate their support and trust in me. I am confident that is the reason for this tremendous honor!"

2. Sandi-Rose Smith, Director                         48,423 PV
3. Nova Goforth, Executive Team Leader        48,336 PV
4. Cailin Bundrick, Director                              44,055 PV
5. Sandy + David Daly, Team Manager            40,414 PV
6. Kasandra Tucci, Executive Team Leader     40,226 PV
7. Erin Zapata, Senior Director                         35,587 PV
8. Aimee Johnson, Senior Director                   31,561 PV
9. Claudia + Ingrid Chavez, Director                 30,484 PV
10. Cynthia Kruis, Executive Team Leader        30,336 PV

Top 10 Overall in Personal Sponsoring

  1. Aimee Johnson, Senior Director
    46 Qualified New Designers

"I was SO surprised to earn the No. 1 spot for sponsoring this year," shares Aimee. "I've been a top sponsor for the last five years, but so many incredible leaders really stepped up their sponsoring game this year. I was NOT expecting this! But, when you love what you do, you share with EVERYONE, and I'm so honored to have earned the top spot!"

  1. Hope Erbert, Executive Team Manager               39 Qualified New Designers
  2. Erin Fortney, Team Manager                                39 Qualified New Designers
  3. Randy Mellon, Director                                         32 Qualified New Designers
  4. Melissa Taylor, Senior Director                             32 Qualified New Designers
  5. Erin Keene, Director                                              31 Qualified New Designers
  6. Sandi-Rose Smith, Director                                   29 Qualified New Designers
  7. Karen Alaniz, Executive Director                           28 Qualified New Designers
  8. Courtney Butler, Senior Director                            27 Qualified New Designers
  9. Tatiana Quattrone Lessa, Director                          27 Qualified New Designers

These Designers had consistent PV over the last 12 months!

100 PV: 678 Designers
250 PV:
429 Designers
500 PV:
117 Designers
750 PV: 16 Designers (below)

Katherine + Lupe Butterbaugh

Rae Clemmer

Patti Creel

Erin Fortney

Mary Grant

Karla + Sara Hemingway

Victoria Matzen

Allison Millard

Fara Mills

Peggy Mitrano

Sharon E Penner

Linda Peterson

Christa Richards

Melissa Taylor

Sharon Troster

Zoe Vincent

1,000 PV: 15 Designers (below)

Renae Cruz

Jacqueline Hedges

Breanna + Isabella Johnson

Erin Keene

Eloise Layton

Tatiana Quattrone Lessa

Lynsey McCurdy

Carolina McGrath

Randy Mellon

Joan Milligan

Janet Olivieri

Sheri Queen

Rebecca Robinson Porter

Lori + Madison Sargent

Carrie Titus

1,500 PV: 11 Designers (below)

Karen Alaniz

Cailin Bundrick

Courtney Butler

Claudia + Ingrid Chavez

Sandy + David Daly

Nova Goforth

Aimee Johnson

Cynthia Kruis

Melissa Flax Maher, Mackenzie + Madison Maher

Laura + Kamryn Scheele

Kasandra Tucci

2,500 PV: Two (2) Designers (below)

Sandi-Rose Smith

"I have not missed 2,500 PV ever since the Owlchiever Program started and the 2,500 PV level was added in July 2015," shares Sandi-Rose. "I am one of two who has consistently generated 2,500 PV or more in 12 months. It's an accomplishment in itself! My tips for others wanting to grow their sales is to be consistent and stay focused. Set your goal and break it down by week, then day. Take it one step and one order at a time. No matter how big or small your steps are – it all adds up!"

Erin Zapata

"Consistently generating 2,500 PV each month has been a goal of mine for the past three or so years," shares Erin. "I am excited and honored to be recognized for this achievement, as it has taken a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve. I am very proud that I was able to set this goal years ago, make a plan on how to accomplish it, and then achieve it for 40+ months in a row!"

Rank Advancements (July 2020 – May 2021):

Team Leader: 150 Designers advanced to Team Leader
Senior Team Leader: 133 Designers advanced to Senior Team Leader
Executive Team Leader: 92 Designers advanced to Executive Team Leader
Team Manager:

Pamela Collins

Jecenia Deluna

Brea DeRespini

Chrysty + Kianna Lemasters

Arely Lugo + Maddalyn Pena

Jose Rios + Yuvisela Salinas

Crystal Salinas

Tania Scifo

Daisy Scism + Coberly Smiley

Tammy Story

Corina Vela

Senior Team Manager:

Katie Allen

Chani Keibetoney

Carolina McGrath

Maria + Angelina Navarrette

Irma Prado-Gutierrez

Jennifer Robins

Ashley Robinson

Michele Saldivar

Executive Team Manager:

Elizabeth Barrera

Kathy Cornell


Claudia + Ingrid Chavez

Sandra De La Garza

Rebecca Robinson Porter

Congratulations to all these Designers on your OWL-some achievements!

Special June LIVE Recognition with Yvette

Special June LIVE Recognition with Yvette

by Stacey Harmon | Jul 16, 2021 | O2 News, Promotions, Recognition

While the Origami Owl Co-Founders Tyson Basha and Shawn Maxwell are away (vacationing with family and celebrating a birthday!)…Senior Director of Special Sales Programs and Recognition Yvette Torres-Dickson is in charge!

During this month's Live recognition, Yvette shares the O2 love in a BIG way – recognizing YOU for your exceptional achievements in June!

Watch the live in the O2 Designers: News from the Nest Facebook group here:

Whooo Promoted Up in June

Check out the Designers who promoted up to a new, {sparkly} title in June.

June Top Achievers + Rank Advancers

Top 10 in Personal Sales

  1. Kasandra Tucci, Executive Team Leader
  2. Melissa Flax Maher, Mackenzie + Madison Maher, Director
  3. Sandy + David Daly, Team Manager
  4. Shelley Licknack, Team Manager
  5. Sandi-Rose Smith, Director
  6. Nova Goforth, Executive Team Leader
  7. Cailin Bundrick, Director
  8. Ami Walton, Designer
  9. Jennifer Dooley, Team Leader
  10. Erin Zapata, Senior Director

Top 3 in Personal Sponsoring*

  1. Tatiana Quattrone Lessa, Director
  2. Holly Corbet, Director
  3. Paulina + Alexa Alcaraz, Director

Top 3 in Developing Team Leaders

  1. Lynsey McCurdy, Executive Team Leader
  2. Marina Burciaga, Team Leader
  3. Tracy + Aaliyah Mize, Team Leader

*Please note, these Personally Sponsored Designers were Active and earned at least 75 PV or more in June. Annies are not counted toward this number. An Annie is an Independent Designer who enrolls without a Sponsor or Mentor.

June New Designer Spotlight: These Designers are Promoting Up + Achieving Milestones

June New Designer Spotlight: These Designers are Promoting Up + Achieving Milestones

by Stacey Harmon | Jul 15, 2021 | O2 News, Promotions, Recognition

We love celebrating new family members – and our New Designers are crushing it in their first six months! Keep reading to celebrate the successes of our New Designers who are promoting to new recognition levels and achieving big milestones, like generating over 800 PV their first month as a Designer and growing their team in the first 30 days!

We're proud to recognize Young Entrepreneur Team, Designer Maria + Matilda Gonzalez and Designer Claudia Gomez.

Here are their tips for success for other New Designers:

Meet Young Entrepreneur Team, Designer Maria + Matilda Gonzalez, Generated 817 PV in June

From: Buena Park, California

Team Name: Mati's Origami Owl

Started O2 Journey: June 9, 2021

So, how did they generate over 800 PV in their first month as a Designers?

"At any family gatherings, we had Take Out Menus and jewelry ready to share. We started by sharing the story of (Origami Owl Co-Founder Bella Weems-Lambert) and how that inspired me to start selling to raise my own spending money for a trip to D.C. Since this was family and close friends, we called out the items we thought they might like: the Dog Paw Charm for those with dogs and the Charms for my grandmas. For those who looked overwhelmed, we shared the My First Locket, which was a hit!"

Tips for New Designers

  1. "Take the time to learn all about the jewelry so you can better make recommendations to your Customers.
  2. Always have a Take Out Menu with you.
  3. Start with your family and friends, including the guys. For the guys, we'd usually say, 'Would you like to buy your wife or girlfriend some jewelry?'"

Meet Designer Claudia Gomez, Generated 814 PV in June + Sponsored 1 New Designer (so far!) in July

From: El Paso, Texas

Team Name: Equipo Creé e Inspira/Team Believe and Inspire

Started O2 Journey: June 13, 2021

So, how'd she do it?

"I received the best help, support and guidance from my amazing team, who I also call my family. I also hosted Jewelry Bars®, kept in touch with my Customers and stayed active in my Facebook VIP group by posting at least five times a day."

Tips for New Designers

"Always stay positive, keep going and push yourself forward with the best attitude. Always listen to your Customers and keep notes of their wish lists!"

New Designer Results in Their First Six Months with O2

We're thrilled to shine the spotlight on New Designers who have kick-started their Origami Owl businesses immediately in their first six months*!

From top in personal sales, top in personal sponsoring and climbing up the Career Plan, these New Designers are working hard and thriving right from the start!

*To be considered a New Designer, it must be the first six months since the Designer started their Origami Owl business.

So, here whooo's at the top:

Top 10 in Personal Sales

  1. Esther Ortiz, Designer
  2. Tamara Finley, Senior Designer
  3. Erica, Timothy, Haylee + Lydia-Kay Griffin + Cherish, Trinity + Jade Collins, Senior Designer
  4. Claudia Morales, Team Leader
  5. Nicole Ramos, Senior Team Leader
  6. Teyilda Ramirez, Senior Designer
  7. Elizabeth + Lily Montes, Senior Designer
  8. Michelle Glynn, Designer
  9. Aurora Magaly Rocha, Team Leader
  10. Amanda Bramlett, Team Leader

Top 10 in Personal Sponsoring (in ABC order)

  1. Reyna Anguiano + Madeline Nevarez, Senior Team Leader
  2. Melissa Ducote, Team Leader
  3. Vandlyn Hurst, Senior Team Leader
  4. Nichole Kraskowsky, Senior Team Leader
  5. Tanya Macchi, Team Leader
  6. Mayra Medellin, Senior Team Leader
  7. Claudia Morales, Team Leader
  8. Devina Ortega, Executive Team Leader
  9. Marilyn VanDerMark, Team Leader
  10. Analuisa Vasquez, Senior Team Leader


Senior Designers

Tanya Alves

Andrea Anderson

Sammi Applegate

Sherry Austin

Mary Baut

Marisela Bazalar, Adalynn + Aaliyah Rodriguez

Samantha Birch

Misty Bottaro

Melissa, Claire + Ava Britt

Kathryn Brown

Amanda Burt

Christina Bzoski + Sheila Spurlock

Sarah Cadenas

Edica Casanova

Kaitlin Cohen

Blanca Corrales

Linda Cota

Lauren Creech

Sara Deines

Becky Demmel

Dawn Droddy

Patti Durden

Diane Emiliano

Jennifer Erdos

Kathleen Fernandez

Tamara Finley

Mariannina Flanigan

Ashley Floin

Dorina Fonseca

Alexandra Franzone

Lori Fraschilla

Flor Gamez

Arcelia Garcia

Lizeth Garcia

Meghan Glasenapp

Stormy Godwin

Elizabeth Gonzalez

Ana Gray

Leah Green

Erica, Timothy Jr., Haylee + Lydia-Kay Griffin, + Cherish, Trinity + Jade Collins

Amanda Guy

Tessa Hartert

Tammy Haugabrook

Alana Hellyer

True Helms

Tanya Hopkins

April Horn

Trish Howdeshell

Vicki Johnson

Tina Key

Saleema King

Nancy King

Tracy Kneeland Bohanon

Dustin + Rhonda Kocher

Chairdie Lawyer + Julieanne Kubala

Yarely Leal

Karen Lee

Jennifer Lopez + Jade Amaya

Mollie Makay

John Mann

Brandi Mashburn

Catherine Massey

Joanna + Megan Mercado

Jessica Mercado

Sandra Meza

Kristina Mitchell

Agustina Molina

Elizabeth + Lily Montes

Gabriela Mora

Jessica Morales

Johana Muñoz

Angelina Nastase

Rebecca + Tony Naylor

Michelle Nguyen

MaryAnn Niemi

Rocío Nieto

Deb ODonoghue

Natali Ortiz

Mary Ann Papp

Samantha Pieta

Kristin Rainha

Teyilda Ramirez

Kimberly + Makayla Rhodes

Olga Rodriguez

Kristi Sabbides

Elizabeth Schlitter

Connie Smith

Tricia Suazo

Jen Swenson

Della Valerie Toral

Katie Trick + Zoe Brown

Rhonda Troup

Lindsey Trout

Rachel Valentine

Kelly Van Meter

Leah Wade

Michelle Weatherby

Annie Wells

Kaitlyn Willy

Jessica Winters

Kayla Younger

Kathy Zerbes

Executive Designers

Vivien Ariola

Kimberly Baker-Feutz

Keana Burciaga

Karla Carbajal

Jessica Gibson

Linda Henderson

Kimberly Ann Lemane

Dawn McFall

Nikole Mecredy

Emily Michael

Jennifer Nichols

Jessica + Madyson Palmer

Javier Ríos

Sharlene Rollins

Janet Sanders

Mary Sebastian

Cecilia Sterling

Mary Ulmer

Team Leaders

Amanda Bramlett

Martha Callan

Gabriela Camarotti

Marjorie Chulsky

Ana Diaz

Melissa Ducote

Indrawati Irawan

Madeleine Johnston

Tanya Macchi

Claudia Morales

Brenda Reifsnyder

Aurora Magaly Rocha

Kristeen Sweeney

Anna Treuting + Victoria Smith

Marilyn VanDerMark

Judy Westen

Angie White

Shari Windle

Senior Team Leaders

Jennifer Alvizures

Reyna Anguiano + Kaydeline Nevarez

Noemi Castillo

Vandlyn Hurst

Nichole Kraskowsky

Teresa Markray

Sydney Martyn

Lyanne Mendiola

Rebecca Ortega

Nicole Ramos

Jamie Sanchez-Anderson

Executive Team Leaders

Devina Ortega

***Promotions in their first six months as a Designer.

Origami Owl Promo Code May 2019

Source: http://www.origamiowlnews.com/category/promotions/

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