Can I Use Cheat Engine on Roller Coaster Tycoon Steam

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Hottest Stuff On CheatCC!

Picture guest

Enter "Chris Sawyer" as a guest name to have them walk around and take pictures of your park.

Painting guest

Enter "Simon Foster" as a guest name to have them walk around and paint pictures in your park.

Waving guest

Enter "Katie Brayshaw" as a guest name to have them walk around and wave to everyone they meet.

Hungry guest

Enter "Tony Day" as a guest name.

Happy guest

Enter "Melanie Warn" as a guest name.

Double payment for rides guest

Enter "John Mace" as a guest name.

"Wow!" thinking guest

Enter "John Wardley" as a guest name.

Weird comments

Enter "Andy Hine" as a guest name, then watch him after he leaves a ride. Enter "David Ellis" as a guest name, then watch him when he enters a ride.

Intamin fan

Enter "Elissa White" as a guest name.

Faster Go-Karts

Enter "Damon Hill" as a guest name. Enter "Michael Schumacher" as a guest name to race even faster.

Slower Go-Karts

Enter "Mr Bean" as a guest name.

Multiple names

You can have more than one person with the same name (which works well when using the cheats) by changing the capitalization of various letters. For example "Chris Sawyer" can be used on another person by making all letters lower or upper case ("chris sawyer" and "CHRIS SAWYER").

No money needed

Start to create a new scenario in the editor. After you go through making all of the desired settings, click the "No Cash" option then set your objective to 500 people in your park. After that, you will not have to worry about your cash limit.

More money

This trick only works when you make your own scenario. Pick the things you want invented in the scenario and go to the next step. Build the landscape for the park. When you are done, close the menu that makes you chose the size and other attributes. Open up the scenery menu and build pyramids all over the park. Note: Do not put the pyramids over the park borders. Then, finish the rest yourself. When you play the scenario, you will get more money by doing nothing.

When building a track ride, build a fountain on the same land as the land you are about to build on. Then, after creating a piece of track (and demolishing the fountain), you can actually be paid anywhere from $126 to $1,600, depending on how many fountains you build (and destroy) with one piece of track, and you get that part of the ride free. The Single Jet Fountain works best.

When you have a scenario and "Six Flags Theming", take the farthest-most right Ornamental Structure and place many of them in a long straight line. Next, go to Compact Inverted Roller Coaster and build straight track where you have placed the scenery. When you do this, you will see "Cost : $-24" at the bottom of your building screen . That means you will get $24. When you are finished building the roller coaster through the scenery, delete the track. This will give you $50 when you delete one section. When you are finished, you should end up with at least $1,000 more depending on you lines size. Do this as many time as needed.

Rides that guests love

Build a monorail or ski lift and many people will ride it. The monorail is recommended, as the ski lift can only hold two people at a time and many people will leave the line. If possible, increase price of monorail to a reasonably high amount.

Create a shuttle loop and make it as high as it can go. Launch it at full speed and guests will love it.

Guests really love shuttle loops that go as slow as possible and give the most hang time. They are cheaper then big shuttle loops. Shuttle loops also do not have to go out and then back over the same track. Tracks that loop around and back are safer to build and can bring in just as much money.

Guests never leave

Put a "No Entry" sign by the entrance, facing away from the entrance. Guests can still come in, but will not leave. Note: This may cause your park rating to decrease, because many guests will be "lost" and want to go home.

Save maintenance costs

Charge 10 cents for all bathrooms and they can sustain themselves without reducing the favor of your park.

Extra building space

Build a ride or attraction such as a maze. You can now build on top of that with smaller rides (for example, bumper cars).

Select height placement

When placing any object, select where you want to put it, however before you click, hold [Shift] and move the mouse up or down. Click when you have the preferred height.

Change operating options without losing any guests that are queuing

Click on a ride, pause game play, close the ride, then go to "Operating Options". Change the operating mode for the ride, then open the ride.


Entertainerland is a place where you can put all of your Entertainers. Guests can enter and leave, but Entertainers cannot. First, make a path. Then, make a chairlift with two entrances and two exits. One entrance and one exit must connect to the path that you built. Call the chairlift "Entertainerland". Next to the other entrance and exit, make an area of path and put all of your Entertainers there. If desired, you can build a fence around it. Guests can come in or out through the chairlift, but Entertainers do not go on rides.

Pop a balloon

Build a few Balloon Stands. The more stands there are, the more balloons. Wait for a balloon to float into the air. Click on it, and it should pop. Sometimes the balloons will not pop at first; keep clicking until they do. Another way is to make one puddle of water. Place a person with a balloon in it. The balloon will go up into the air.

In-game commands

Height marks on paths
Underground view
Underwater View
Transparent Rides
Transparent Scenery
Invisible Supports
Invisible People
Height marks on land
Height marks on ride tracks
Zoom out
[Page Up]
Zoom in
[Page Down]
New rides
Ride information
Park status
Guest information
Close the topmost window
Close all open windows
[Shift] + [Backspace]
Cancel construction
Rotate Ride

Can I Use Cheat Engine on Roller Coaster Tycoon Steam


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